

学生 must earn 75年SSL hours to graduate from high school 和 can start earning SSL hours the summer after grade 5.
学生 may continue to earn SSL hours throughout middle school 和 high school.





Reminder: 所有SSL表单 should be submitted to the school’s SSL coordinator by the recommended due date of 2024年1月5日,但不迟于 截止日期为2024年5月31日.

发送电子邮件到威尼斯官网在线SSL办公室 SSL@mcpsmd.org 有问题的





威尼斯官网在线SSL 组织 机会 are tagged with the blue 威尼斯官网在线SSL banner 和 毕业帽 icon 在 蒙哥马利县志愿者中心 (MCVC)网站.


学生, please do not use student_ID@mcpsmd.net as your contact information when registering for SSL 机会 在 MCVC网站. 请使用其他电子邮件地址.




  • 针对学生的SSL问题:
    HS SSL协调员
    MS SSL协调器 
  • 关于该计划的一般问题:
    女士联系. 唐娜·克莱夫曼,电话240-740-3977. 谢拉·切里,240740-3977.
  • 电子邮件: SSL@mcpsmd.org.

Important Systemwide Due Dates 和 SSL 奖 Information

Systemwide Student Documentation Timeline
服务时间框架 文件截止日期
服务在夏季完成 2023年9月29日
服务在夏季完成 和 1st semester 2024年1月5日
服务在夏季完成, 1st semester, 和 2nd semester 2024年5月31日*

**All SSL形式 for service completed after 2023年6月1日 through the end of the 2023-2024 school year, are REQUIRED to be submitted to the school SSL Coordinator 不迟于2024年5月31日

Documentation that qualifies seniors for Certificate of Meritorious Service - This award, along with a purple tassel for graduation, is given to seniors who earn 240 SSL hours or more. 2024年4月5日*
Documentation that qualifies middle school students for the 负责人’s SSL 奖. This award is given to students who meet the 75 hour graduation requirement during middle school 和 is only awarded once. 2024年4月5日*

*The required deadline for all documentation that qualifies seniors for Certificates of Meritorious Service 和 middle school students for the 负责人’s SSL 奖 is 2024年4月5日. 所有SSL表单 (威尼斯官网在线 Form 560-51: 学生服务学习 Activity Verification) should be submitted to the school’s SSL coordinator 到2024年4月5日, 有资格获得这些奖项.

*Traditionally, the required deadline for all SSL 形式 every school year is the first Friday in June. 然而, due to the timing of this year’s academic calendar, the deadline for submitting SSL 形式 for the 2023-2024 school year will be 2024年5月31日, to allow SSL协调员 enough time to review 和 process all 形式 before the end of the school year.

Martin Luther King III Special Video Message for 威尼斯官网在线

Martin Luther King III recorded this video for 威尼斯官网在线 students 和 staff sharing appreciation for their service, acknowledging the challenges of the past few years, 和 encouraging acts of service 和 expressions of gratitude as it fosters well-being.

Building a Culture of Kindness With a Day of Service

Tilden Middle 学校 hosts an annual Day of Caring where students participate in a service learning project during every period of the half day. 学生 和 staff build a culture of kindness through dedicating the day to serving others 和 hosting projects for various 组织. Edutopia chose to document this exemplary practice 和 share it with the world.