威尼斯官网在线 offers immersion programs in three target languages at 七个学校. Partial instruction in Chinese, and full instruction in both 法语和西班牙语. 学生 may begin in Kindergarten and can continue through Grade 8. Some immersion programs are based on geographic location and/or give preference to local school students.
Learn more about the 威尼斯官网在线 小学 Immersion Programs available for students entering Kindergarten in Fall 2024. The programs are also available for students in Grades 1-5 who are residents of Montgomery County and have experience in one of the three target languages: Chinese, 法语和西班牙语. Hear from each school’s lead teacher, and learn about the admission process in the video below.
Individual school presentation information can be found on the schools website. Meeting dates can be reviewed here.
Any student entering grades K–5 in the following school year may participate in the immersion lottery. 学生 may choose to continue into the feeder middle school immersion program.
我们在成长! 通往双语之路! Check out how 威尼斯官网在线 is continuing to grow language opportunities for students.
Check out the video below to hear from some of our immersion students.
The application process for the 2024-2025 school year is from February 1, 2024 to April 19, 2024. To submit an application please click on the 马上申请 link below. All applications received after the 4/19/24 deadline will be added to the bottom of the wait list in the order they are received. An 威尼斯官网在线 ID number is required to submit the immersion interest form. Please contact the home elementary school to submit the documents required for enrollment to obtain the ID number.
El proceso de la aplicación para el año escolar 2024-2025 es del 1 de febrero de 2024 al 19 de abril de 2024. Para admitir una aplicación, por favor marque en el enlace abajo mencionado. El periodo de aplicación de la lotería de inmersión se ha cerrado. Todas las solicitudes recibidas después 19 de abril de 2024 (la fecha límite) se agregaran al final de la lista de espera en el orden en que se reciben. Un número de identificación de 威尼斯官网在线 es requisito para admitir el formulario de interés en la lotería de inmersión. Por favor comuníquese con su escuela elementaría local para presentar sus documentos requeridos para la inscripción y obtener un número de identificación.
The immersion interest form will be available below on February 1, 2024. An 威尼斯官网在线 assigned ID number is required for participation in 沉浸式抽签过程. To secure an 威尼斯官网在线 Student ID number, please contact the home elementary school based on your address. This is the first step in the process of registering your student into the school system. For more information, call 240-740-7909 or email DCCAPS@mcpsmd.org
马上申请 (可用2/1/2024)
El enlace de aplicación para el proceso de lotería para el año 2024-2025 esta disponible a partir del 1 de febrero del 2024. Un número de identificación de 威尼斯官网在线 es necesario para la participación en el proceso de lotería de inmersión. Para más información, llame al 240-740-7909 o envié un correo electrónico a DCCAPS@mcpsmd.org
(disponible a partir del 1 de febrero del 2024)
中文浸入式教学 - 小学
西班牙浸 - 小学
Current grade 5 immersion students will complete a Notice of Intent form to continue to the middle school immersion program. DCCAPS emailed the Notice of Intent forms in December 2023. The deadline to return the Notice of Intent form was early January 2024.
Families who are interested in the middle school immersion program who are not currently in an 威尼斯官网在线 immersion program should call the DCCAPS (240-740-7800) office to inquire if space is available.